Monday, February 21, 2011

Passengers #1

A young dark-haired woman, wearing a parka with a logo that reads "Canadian Goose Arctic Program". Could she be a member of some kind of polar exhibition that is looking after the interests of Canadian Geese? Perhaps they're tracking them as they fly thousands of miles as part of their migratory pattern? Probably not. The parka is too new, and I suspect that the "Canadian Goose Arctic Program" is just a figment in some designer's mind. I've just Googled it. It's a whole brand of its own. Still disappointing.

A young Asian guy playing with his BlackBerry. Maybe he's just reading email? Or replying to missives - saving them up to send once he emerges above ground. No. He's playing Texas Hold 'Em poker. He bets $3880, carefully punching the numbers out. I can't tell if he wins the hand. But I bet his BlackBerry isn't a corporate one. They tend to be "locked down" by IT departments, to stop users installing potentially dangerous software. Or at least to ensure that everyone realises that the IT department has power that mere mortels cannot usurp.

Seven Years Later...

I can't quite remember now why I started this blog. Perhaps I just wanted to play with Blogger which was new to me at the time.

Anyway, here's a - perhaps shortlived - attempt to bring this blog back from the dead. I'll use it as my general "writing" place. Fragments and snippets. Things that flow through my mind. They all might end up here.